Do social networking sites factor into one's strategies for the most effecient way to find your next gig? They certainly should. If potential employers are looking at these sites, shouldn't you also factor into these sites. Finding future co-workers. Finding ex employees of a target firm or industry is certainly possible. You would do this normally using your phone and through your friends. Why not start the process by doing it online. I recently heard a Stamford U podcast on social entrepeneurship and film making site that the networking done online actually saved a persons life.
This documentary filmmakers Michaelene C. Risley was detained by the police while filming in Zimbabwe. The police apparently let her go with the order to report back the next day for further questioning which according to her is standard practice there as they are in short supply for food for prisoners. Well after communicating with a friend familiar with things on the ground. Her friend went online and Twitter'ed or Facebooked her friends for her. An American consulate/embassy person then inserted themselves on behalf of the Ms. Risley who was subsequently released that very same day (with her footage that was not to positive on the Robert Mugabe govt). So Facebooking does help, but can it help on the job? You decide after reading the following....
"In a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers published in March, employers indicated that whereas in the past they used social-networking sites “to check profiles of potential hires,” said Marilyn Mackes, the group’s executive director, today “more than half will use the sites to network with potential candidates.”"
Status: Looking for Work on Facebook - New York Times:
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